Hoop Size Guide

With hoops, size does matter. 😉 The bigger the hoop’s diameter the slower to revolves and the easier it is to keep rotating around the body.

Here are some examples of the sizes:
Beginner’s Large (almost impossible nOt to hoop with) 44″-40″
Beginner’s smaller sized 39″-38″
Intermediate Level 37″-35″
Kids Sized/Pro Hooper 35″-30″ (only use ultra light weight or polypro)
Mini/Off-Body Hoop Size 30″-20″ (only use ultra light weight or polypro)

There are 3 basic weights:
Heavy (160psi 1″OD 3/4″ID)
Light (100psi 1″OD 3/4″ID)
Ultra Light (125psi 3/4″OD 1/2″ID)
PolyPro (3/4″OD or 5/8″OD) –additional $10 upgrade fee

For beginner’s sized hoops (44″-38″) the heavier weight is generally easier for on-body hooping because the weight of the hoop helps to propel itself around the body. However, the heavy weight can be a little harder for off-body movements. I have also noticed for some thinner framed people, the heavy weight can feel a bit too much for those with bones close to the skin.
Whatever weight you choose for your beginner hoop, it is the diameter that is really most important. So, for the beginner sized hoops (44″-38″) I’d say weight is personal preferance.

The light weight to ultra light is recommended for the Intermediate Level hoops. At this stage you will be learning more off-body movements, which are easier with the smaller lighter hoops. Keep in mind you may want to compromise for a size you can still comfortably hoop on-body with.

Whether this is for a child or you’re doing more intricate moves you’ll want a lighter hoop. This is why we recommend the lightest hoops we offer. The ultra light is much lighter than the light tubing and is thinner. This is great for giving you a quick response from your hoop with each movement.
The polypro is the lightest tubing on the market, but it also a bit more expensive, so there is an added fee for upgrading to polypro. This tubing will give you the quickest response from your hoop which is why it is so popular in this community these days.